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Willow Class

Welcome Willow Class!


Are you self-isolating due to the Coronavirus?


Please contact the school office to inform them and Mr Lenton will email your work to you each day. This will be in line with what the rest of the class are learning about.

Resources to support general skills in year 3

Common Exception Words: Reading and Spelling

Parent Guidance for spelling in years 3 and 4

A guide to handwriting in year 3

Year 19- 20 resources can be found below 



In maths this week we have been exploring fractions further. We have been looking at fractions of amounts and how to find these.


In literacy we have been writing our stories from the plans we created last week.


In other areas we have explored the french language about our homes and we have started to learn about the Easter story.



In maths this week we have been exploring tenths. We know that to find a tenth we must divide a number or object into ten equal parts.


In Literacy we have been planning a story based on 'the creature under the rug'. We have been using 2AD and B.O.Y.S sentences.


In topic we have been looking the the history of the Vikings. We have so far discovered where the Vikings came from. We have also looked at the word 'chronology' and ordered the events of the viking period.





this week has been very busy!


In literacy we have been looking at poetry and writing our own Kennings!


' A Kenning is like a riddle, it must have a noun and a verb or a noun and a noun'


Can you guess what the class are talking about? 

'Food devourer

Silent sleeper

Tail wagger'


In maths this week we have been learning about fractions.

We looked at unit fractions and non unit fractions and fractions that are equivalent to a whole'



In topic we have nearly finished our viking longboats! We are learning about where we live in French. We have been able to answer simple questions!


On Friday we swapped places with another year three class in March and used clay! See the pictures below.




This week we have been busy learning all about bar charts, pictograms and tally charts. In literacy we have been learning all about Pandora and writing Non-Chronological reports.


We have explored what makes us safe online in computing.


In art we have continued learning about colour through the use of paint. We have also explored observational drawing as an independent task. Look below to see the amazing pieces of art we have created so far!





This week in maths we have continued our learning about money and we have been solving addition and subtraction word problems.

In literacy we have been identifying features of a non chronological report ready to write our own next week.


We have started our Art work during topic and so far we have explored Texture by using our outdoor environment.



This week in maths we have been converting pounds and pence into pence so it is easier for us to work with. We have been exploring making different amounts.


In Literacy we have explored different sentences types that make our writing more interesting!


In the afternoons we have continued to explore electricity. We worked together to plan an experiment to test if items in our classroom are insulators or conductors.

W/C: 20/01/2020


This week we have been learning to divide a two digit number by a one digit number using place value charts. We have also begun to explore partitioning numbers into smaller groups to help us.


In Literacy we have started to look at non-chronological reports using the land of Pandora as a stimulus.


In our topic work we have been focusing on the vocabulary around families in french and we have started our electricity unit in science. We have had lots of fun exploring the different elements of a circuit and building our own!

Stibbington residential

Following the residential meeting on Friday, please find attached a copy of the PowerPoint  used and the kit list given. If you have any questions, please speak to Miss Bridges or Mr Lenton. 



This week we have been inspired by our visit last week and have been busy creating creatures that could have visited our school. We have also been busy creating the different lands that the creature could have come from. We have used these creations to inspire our descriptive writing.


In maths we have been looking at using the grid method to calculate multiplication problems.


In our topic work we have continued to learn about the french vocabulary in relation to family. We have also been using our designs in design technology to create a healthy sandwich!



This week has been very exciting because we were visited by a mysterious creature. We spent the day investigating what it could be. 


In literacy we have developed our own models of what the creature could look like as well as designing the lands that they could have come from.


In maths we have looked at using the greater than, less than and equal signs to compare multiplication number sentences.


We have also started our new DT topic. We are designing sandwiches! We looked at some potential fillings!



In literacy this week we have been looking at writing instructions. We explored instructional texts and made Christmas hats and cards using them.


I n maths we have continued to look at multiplication and division. we have used our skills to solve problems using the number facts that we know.


In French we have learnt some key Christmas vocabulary. 

In RE we have been exploring the nativity story.



This week we have created a whole new adventure for Ug! we used drama and a story telling mountain to come up with some fantastic new problems for Ug to solve.


In maths we have been working hard on multiplying by 8 and dividing by 8! It has been super tricky!


In Science we have learnt all about a very famous woman called Mary Anning. She was known for hunting for fossils. A very popular tongue twister is all about her! Can you guess which one?


This week we have been finishing our retelling of the story of UG! We also changed how the problem was solved to make a different version of the story!


In maths we have been hard at work learning our 3 and 4 times tables and learning to divide by these numbers also.


In science we have started to look at rocks and we are able to name three types of naturally formed rock.


On Thursday we had a stone age day and it was very fun, especially the part where we went hunting!

W/C: 18/11/19


This week in Literacy we have retold the story of Ug using a story mountain. When we explored the ending of the story we realised that the problem had not really been solved because Ug still had trousers made of stone so we created a new ending!


In Maths we have continued to work on knowing our 3x tables and 4x tables and created pictures and word problems to represent these.

 We have also started using times tables rock stars to help us become more fluent in our times tables. In year three we need to know our 3's 4's and 8's and remember to use our 2's 5's and 10's. You can access the website here:  It is also available as an app on the app store for your device. 




In maths we have been continuing to look at our 3 and 4 times tables. We have been looking at multiplying and division. 


In literacy we have been learning how to use direct speech in our writing.


In our foundation sessions we have been completing our pillows and it has been very challenging for us!


In P.E we have been learning how to jump and land in quarter turns.



This week in maths we have been looking at multiplying by 3 and 4!


In literacy we have been describing a character!


In design technology we have been using our plans to create a pillow for Ugg!



This week in Maths have used everything we have learnt last half term to solve problems.

In Literacy we have been been looking at newspaper reports. 


We also had a non-traditional sports day where we took part in archery, orienteering and learnt about healthy eating.

W/C: 14.11.19

 This week we have been practising for our harvest assembly and looked at alliteration in literacy.



This week we have been applying our maths in the outdoor area using the mud kitchen and place value coins.


In literacy we have been looking at play scripts.


We have also been developing our printing skills!




This week in maths we have been using the column method for subtraction. We have been using our base ten resources to hep us as it can be a little bit tricky!


In Literacy we have used our drama skills to develop our knowledge of UG. 


In our topic work we have been looking at counties in England and exploring what we think was most important for stone age people to create a settlement.



This week we have been exploring adding single digit numbers to a 3 digit number. We have worked really hard to learn a new method! 


In literacy we have continued to explore the story of UG and starting to think about creating our very own story based on the text.


We were also very lucky to have a team building afternoon where we had to work together to solve some problems!


W/C 16/09/19

This week we have jumped into our Stoneage topic and spent an afternoon in the woods exploring our surroundings and listening to the story of 'UG'


In Maths we have been using our Place value knowledge of three digit numbers to compare and order them. We have created some very effective rules to support us!


In Literacy we have been looking at instructions and creation our own stone age jewellery and weapons!


In History we have also placed key events of the Stone age era on a timeline and discovered information about animals from the era. We found that they were all very very big!






This week in Maths we have been looking at 3 digit numbers. We have a special challenge for homework to show off what we have learnt. 


In literacy we have been researching Stone age animals to help us make a Fact file.


We have also had our first debate to help our language skills. We were debating if Plastic was a good material or not.



Welcome Back!


This week we have been writing all about our summer holidays in literacy, recapping how to solve problems in maths and in our art lessons we have been exploring cave paintings! We are working hard to create our very own Cave using what we learn!
