Timetable - Wednesday 20th January
Wednesday |
Literacy |
Guided Reading |
OMS Numeracy |
Numeracy |
PE |
Music |
Well being |
Please also remember to complete your reading for 20 minutes a day. Once you have finished your reading book, complete an AR test using the useful links page (tree icon).
Also, please complete 10 minutes of consolidating your times tables and division facts by using TTRockstars. The link for this is also on the useful link page (tree icon).
Today I would like you to edit a newspaper report. Below are two newspaper reports, with a success criteria checklist for each one. Challenge 1 is a bit easier than challenge 2, so please look through each one and choose appropriately. Then you will need to make your way through the success criteria, making the appropriate corrections to your newspaper reports.
Guided Reading
L.O. To infer a character's feelings within the text.
Re read the Battle of Hastings text and pretend to be King Harold, who is trying to defend his country. Then map out his feelings throughout the text by completing the table below. The table is on the document attached if you would like to print this instead of copying out the table onto a separate piece of paper.
When Harold was crowned |
When Harold Hardrada invaded |
When William sent Harold a message that he wanted the crown. |
When Harold set up camp in Hastings. |
Harold’s feelings during the battle. |
Feelings |
Evidence |
Please follow the link attached to an Oak Academy Maths lesson, focused on rounding whole numbers. There is a video to help you and a follow up worksheet and quiz to complete.
Due to the current lockdown restrictions, it sadly isn't possible for us all to play netball in teams as we would normally doing. However, attached is a site with some great ideas for practising netball skills at home and independently. So I would like you to have a look at those today and choose 2-3 of the activities to complete.
Please find below the third Music lesson for this topic.
Below are some debate statement cards. Please pick one and have a 10-15 minute discussion with someone about your chosen statement. Some children have been calling grandparents or another relative to discuss some of their school work, which I think is a fantastic idea!