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Tuesday 2nd


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Don't forget to complete four hours of learning every day. Here is a suggested timetable for you. Don't forget to also look at the well-being page for activities to help you prepare for your return to school.

Don't forget today's Zoom meeting is at 1 o'clock. 



- We will discuss our return to school- think about any questions you have about coming back before the call.

- We will discuss our views on what a head teacher's job is like and collate all of our questions for Miss Froggatt. 

- We will go through Maths for this week- bring some paper and a pen! 

Collective Worship/ Philosophy 

Assembly Part 2


A prefix is a letter or letters added to the start of a word to change its meaning.

The prefixes ‘anti’ means ‘against’

Most prefixes are added to the beginning of root words without any change in spelling.


Please practise your spellings for fifteen minutes. Use 'Look, Cover, Write, Check'. 


Starter LO: To apply my knowledge of the seven times tables. 

This week, in our starters, we are practising our seven times tables. Remember, if you get stuck, you have things in your home learning packs which might help. Don't forget to keep using TT Rock stars too. 


Try the problem below: 


Main LO: To use efficient strategies for subtraction. 

Let's start by looking at the vocabulary which we link to subtraction. Can you create a word problem using some of these words? 


When we subtract, we know it can be quicker to use mental strategies rather than always use a formal written method. 


An example of this, is when subtracting by 9 we can subtract 10 and add one back on. Practise this, by seeing how quickly you can complete the following activity: 

We can extend this further by subtracting near multiples of 10. 


For example to solve the problem: 


178- 59- we would subtract 60 and then add one back on. 


Practise solving the following problems using your mental strategies. Choose which challenge is right for you: 


Starter LO: To improve sentences. Can you fix the sentences below? You will need to look at spelling, grammar and punctuation. Also, try to improve them, perhaps you could add adjectives, fronted adverbials or a subordinate clause. 

Main LO: To recognise and use noun phrases. Watch the video below to help you identify noun phrases. 

Literacy 2.2.21

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Try this challenge: 


Now write your own Noun phrases using these pictures as inspiration:

Class Reader-

The Spiderwick Chronicals- The field Guide Chapter 6

Chapter 6 part 2

Guided Reading

Starter Let's revisit the vocabulary we looked at yesterday. Can you match the words to their meanings?

Main: Develop our knowledge on a subject area. 

Yesterday, we thought about what a head teacher may look like, but do you know what their job is within a school? 


Write down a list of questions which you would like to ask a head teacher (Miss Froggatt) to develop your knowledge of the head teacher job.


You could also use the internet to research different head teachers. 


Please bring these questions to today's Zoom meeting. 


Mrs Wordsmith- revisit


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Today we are learning words in French for different foods you may order in a café. Here is the new vocabulary you will learn today: 

To access the learning resources for your French lesson please visit the Language Angels website by clicking HERE


Click log in and sign in using the details below in the home school area.


Username:   ManeaC1355

Password:    lahome


Your challenge is to learn the next five foods in French.

Intermediate Level Challenge,

Unit 4- Au Café 

Lesson 2


There is an interactive Powerpoint for you to use like we do in class.

Challenge: Can you solve this anagram using the vocabulary you have learnt today 
