Welcome to Ash class
Are you self-isolating due to the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Please contact the school office to inform them and Miss Bridges and Mrs Causer will email your work to you each day. This will be in line with what the rest of the class are learning about.
Return to School- Weekly news and homework
Don't forget all homework will be set remotely in the links below. There is no expectation that you print anything off, but please take a picture of your work and send it to Miss Bridges and Mrs Causer at ashclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk. Homework will be set on a Friday and due in by the following Wednesday. Children are still expected to read at home at least five times a week.
W/c 8/3/2020
This week in Maths we have been converting measurements. We began with litres and millilitres and then moved onto grams and kilograms. In our starters, we have continued to develop and practise our quick recall of our six times tables. In the upcoming weeks we will continue to practise our six, seven, eights, nines and twelve times tables as these are the ones that we can find tricky. Any help at home will really help. We like to use TimesTables rockstars aswell as the game Hit the button to help us. Below is a video which contains some more ideas that parents can use to help their children practise times tables.
W/c 2/3/2020
On Thursday it was world book day. We came to school dressed up as all of our favourite book characters:
W/c 24/2/2020
The first half of this term has seen us continue our Art unit on watercolours. As well as looking at many famous pieces of artwork, we have explored how to change the tone and how to use analogue colours. We applied all of this learning, whilst creating some beautiful Viking pictures.
W/c 10/2/2020
Our Maths this week has been all about time. We have learnt to read both analogue and digital clocks and will be solving problems using our knowledge of these. On Wednesday, we practised reading analogue clocks by playing a game of time bingo in groups.
W/c 3/2/2020
The start of this week saw year three and four start their art unit. We began by considering how artists create texture and explored this by creating rubbings using our outdoor environment.
The end of this week, saw some of the children attend their first residential. The children had a fabulous time completing Viking challenges, solving crimes and having an evening campfire- they even managed to get a little bit of sleep in too.
- Please see the weekly news for photographs
Those children that didn't attend the residential, spent their time baking cookies and creating their own Viking Stop Motion animation!
W/c 27/1/2020
In our Science lessons, we have been learning about electricity. We have identified how to make a complete circuit and can now record these using scientific symbols. On Friday, we applied all of our learning to see if we could create a burglar alarm. Although not all of us managed to achieve a working alarm in the time set- the team work and perseverance skills were fantastic!
Stibbington residential
Following the residential meeting on Friday, please find attached a copy of the PowerPoint used and the kit list given. If you have any questions, please speak to Miss Bridges or Mr Lenton.
Week beginning 20th January 2020
In Maths this week, we have been focusing on solving subtraction problems. Although the children were eager to use written methods, such as column subtraction, this week was all about learning mental strategies for helping us solve problems.
Week beginning 6th January 2020
Happy new year to you all! We have had an exciting start to the year- when a mysterious creature visited the school grounds and we spent the day investigating clues which had been left behind. Using our findings, we have spent time drawing pictures of what we think the creature looked like and then made these using model magic. In our Literacy lessons, we wrote some beautiful ad same ad sentences about the beasts and created our own habitats.
Week beginning 16th December 2019
We have had a fabulous Autumn term in year four and have ended it by making some lovely Christmas crafts including decorations, calendars and cards. Here are some pictures of our creations:
Week beginning 9th December 2019
As Christmas is drawing closer, this week we have begun to get into the festive spirit. We made some fabulous hats for our Christmas dinner:
We have also been looking at the John Lewis Christmas advert in Literacy. We have worked hard to consider different adjectives to describe Edgar the dragon and then wrote a character description.
Week beginning 2nd December 2019
Marvellous Maths
This week we have been exceptionally busy in Maths! We concluded our unit on fractions by finding different equivalent fractions:
Week beginning 25th November 2019
Our Stone Age day!
On Thursday, we took on the roles of Stone Age hunter-gatherers. We discussed why Manea was a good place for us to settle and walked to the woods to find a place to build shelters. We worked well with year three and made some terrific shelters. In the afternoon, we continued to build upon this by creating tools from clay that would help us with our hunting. We ended the day by writing diary entries on cave walls detailing our adventures! We used the symbols which have been found in thousands of different cave paintings and then asked other children if they could guess what we was trying to communicate.
Week beginning 11th November 2019
Throughout our DT unit, we have been working towards creating a cushion for UG, the Stone Age boy, to help him make his stone bed more comfortable. This week has really put the children's sewing skills to the test and challenged the children to persevere at a difficult task. The hard work certainly paid off, with most of the children finally completing their cushions. Don't they look fabulous?
In Maths, we have been working on applying our skills of multiplication to finding the area of shapes. We also used our knowledge of factor pairs to draw shapes with certain areas.
Week beginning 4th November 2019
In Literacy this week, we have been using our knowledge of information texts to create our own pages for a class book about the Stone Age. This activity challenged the children to write facts in a range of sentence formats whilst also practising the skill of compromising to enable them to work as a team.
Week beginning 28th October 2019
This week has certainly been a busy one for Ash class! In our Maths lessons, the children have been learning to multiply and divide by ten and one hundred. They then began to apply this to measurement and had to think about what would happen if the classroom resources needed to be ten times bigger. The tape measures also made an appearance in our PE lesson when the children had to work on improving their personal bests whilst jumping!
In Literacy this week, we have worked on writing facts for an information text. We learnt how to use conjunctions to extend facts and wrote some lovely paragraphs about our families.
One of our favourite moments this week was certainly on Thursday when we were treated to double PE. In the morning, the children began to learn a new dance routine around the theme of 'Superheroes'. There was lots of pouncing, sneaking and gliding followed by the children learning a very fast routine. In the afternoon, we completed some non-traditional sports activities. The children learnt how to do archery, completed orienteering activities and discussed which types of foods are healthy. (Photos to follow)
Week beginning 14th October 2019
We have started our Design and Technology projects this week. We have evaluated different types of cushions and pillows in preparation to design our own after half term. We enjoyed testing these ones out!
Week beginning 7th October 2019
We have been learning to locate counties and cities in the UK. We have been learning to use atlases to help us with this. We know that we are in the county of Cambridgeshire and the cities that are close to us are Peterborough and Ely.
Week beginning 30th September 2019
We have been learning about angles this week. We have learnt that angles are measured in degrees. We have identified, ordered and compared right angles, acute, obtuse and even reflex angles!
In Literacy we have created a Stone Age story. We have started describing our characters and our settings. It is a very exciting story and we are looking forward to sharing some of these with you when they are finished.
In conjunction with our Literacy work we have been looking at Stone Age settlements. We have learnt what is important when settling and how this affects our day to day life.
Week beginning 23rd September 2019
On Monday we learnt to try and build a 'mini' Stone Age house using natural materials - just like the Stone Age people would have had to do. It was quite tricky, but we managed to create quite a few different types of shelters. Here are a few.
Week beginning 16th September 2019
Wow! What a week we have had!
We started the week with a trip to the forest to try and find out what it would have felt like to be a Stone Age person.
We took part in Speed Stacking as one of our PE lessons. We all tried really hard to beat our own time, and we worked well together in our teams!
We finished the week with shape hunting in our school's environment. We looked for four different types of triangles - equalateral, issoceles, right-angled and scalene.
Week beginning 9th September 2019
We have been continuing writing our instructions with a focus on verbs, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions. We are really proud of what we have achieved this week!
We have also been learning about Stone Age and how they communicated with each other. They would use natural resources to paint pictures on the cave walls. To be like Neolithic men and women we collected natural resources in the schools environment and using these, and charcoal, we created cave paintings.
Week beginning 3rd September
We have had a great start to Year 4. We have started learning how to write instructions using verbs, adverbs and conjunctions. We have been continuing to practice our reading and learning how to use a dictionary to find out the meanings of words we do not know. We have also been working with numbers over 1,000.