I hope you are all enjoying your home learning – I miss you all very much and am looking forward to seeing you all again. Please email me any questions or pictures of your home learning on reception@manea.cambs.sch.uk
Phonics Use the www.phonicsplay.co.uk website to investigate the sounds we have been learning
Play picture match! – Good luck!
Challenge yourself with the keywords on our keyword page – I hope you beat your score last week! |
Number We are working on positional language this week and there is a task below to help apply it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F0NYBBKczM
Play hide and seek – give a clue to your grown up – ‘it is under something, it is on top of something etc’ – see if they can find your object! |
Main text: Oxford Owl Website – Log into ebooks 4-5 years Dad can you do this?
Read the story with your grown up – what did you like best? Can you do any of the activities?
Write Can you ……? Then use your phonics to write actions such as; hop, jump, skip, run etc Use the cards to play a game with your family and see how many of the cards you can do.
Start to discuss with your family the toys that they played with when they were young – what did they enjoy?
Investigate toys from the past - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8_uZLgR3MY what would you have liked to play with?
toy inspired yoga session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbCjkPlsaes