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Summer learning packs

The local authority has created Maths and Literacy learning packs to help children prepare for returning back to school in September. Please find them on the website: 

A fantastic week of wonderful work - both at home and school.  Thank you for your kind words and holiday wishes.  I look forward to seeing you all again in September


Still image for this video

I hope you are all enjoying your home learning – I miss you all very much and am looking forward to seeing you all again.  Please email me any questions or pictures of your home learning on



Use the website to investigate the sounds we have been learning


Play picture match! – Good luck!


Challenge yourself with the keywords on our keyword page – I hope you beat your score last week!





Create as many number sentences as you can in order to solve the following:


How many ways can you make 6?

How many ways can you make 10?

What doubles can you remember?


Don’t forget to use these symbols in your

Main text: 

Oxford Owl Website –Log into ebooks 4-5 years    Cat’s picnic





  • Continue with a diary.  Write a sentence in it each day – you can write what you did, what made you happy, what made you laugh – use your phonic sounds for words that you need (if they are not our keywords) 
  • Think very carefully of all the wonderful things that you have done whilst working at home – what was your favourite and why?  Can you record it in a sentence with a drawing to illustrate?
  • Talk with your family – what will you do over the holidays?  What games would you like to play?  Where would you like to go?
  • Plan a picnic to have over the holidays – where would you like to take it?  What would you like to have in it?
  • Enjoy a Magic key story – don’t forget Floppy over the holidays!
  • Celebrate the end of term – dance to your favourite song, make your favourite drink, create a celebration cake
  • Don’t forget your happiness bucket from our learning pack!



Most of all – remember how absolutely amazing you have been this year – We are all very proud of your hard work and wish you a very, very happy summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you in September.



