Thursday 7th January
Your timetable for today is below. You can alter the order of the lessons, but this is what you will need to cover for today. Remember to send your work into
Thank you Mrs Revell and Miss Miller.
Thursday |
45 minutes |
Literacy |
15 minutes |
Guided Reading |
Break |
15 minutes |
Times Tables rockstars |
45 minutes |
Numeracy |
Break |
30 minutes |
PE |
15 minutes |
Mrs Wordsmith and Spelling practise |
15 minutes |
French |
Over the next few weeks you will be writing a newspaper report. Each day you will be learning how to do develop the writing skills to do this with.
Today you will be learning and building upon the alliteration skill.
1) For the first 20-25 minutes of Literacy follow the instructions below:
Yesterday, you learned about the features of a newspaper report. One of the features was a headline, grabbing the reader’s attention. Sometimes headlines are written with alliteration. We need to know what alliteration is in preparation for our newspaper report. Alliteration is when the words, close together in a sentence, starts with the same sound.
Click on the link below which tells you more about this. Then watch the video by Joseph Coelho. He talks about alliteration in poetry. Then scroll further down the page and complete activities 1, 2 and 3.
2) For the rest of the Literacy lesson (approximately 20-25 minutes):
Write some alliterative sentences about the pictures below. Remember, write three or four sentences for each picture. Choose the one you really like then edit and improve it. The funnier the better!
Guided Reading
Before Christmas we read two class stories by Michael Murpugo: Born to Run and Escape from Shangri-La.
As a class you really enjoyed these books. I would like you to choose one of these books to write a book review on. A book review details your honest and detailed thoughts on a particular book, giving recommendations to your reader whether you think they should read it or not.
Below are questions to help you write your book review. You may set it out on your paper in the order of the questions. Remember to write in paragraphs, not as though you are answering a question.
1) Start with a couple of sentences describing what the book is about.
2) Discuss what you particular like about the book. Think about your favourite character, what were the like, what was your favourite part of the book, did the story keep you guessing did the story keep wanting you to hear/read more?
3) Mention anything you disliked about the book, and more importantly, why?
4) Round up your review. Summarise some of your thoughts on the book by suggesting the type of reader you'd recommend the book to. For example: younger readers, older readers, fans of relationship drama/mystery stories/comedy. Are there any books or series you would compare it to?
4) Give the book a rating. For example, how many stars out of 5 would you give it?
Times tables rockstars
Use the link below to practise your times tables. If you cannot remember your login email ready for next time.
In the meantime, practise your times tables by using any of the following activities:
- roll two dice together and multiply the numbers together. Then write the inverse division calculation.
- with a pack of cards pick two cards and multiply the numbers together. Then write the inverse division calculation.
- Pick a domino from a pack of dominoes and multiply the two numbers on it. Then write the inverse calculation.
Numeracy part 1
Watch the clip below. The teacher will give you a recap on how to calculate the perimeter of compound and composite shapes. This is very similar to the work you were doing yesterday. Once you have watch the clip, go onto Numeracy part 2 below.
Numeracy part 2
This week we have been learning to calculate perimeter for rectilinear shapes. Today, we would like you to create those shapes with given perimeters.
Below is a list of measurements. You need to create three different rectilinear shapes which has a perimeter of that measurement.
You can do this in a variety of ways: drawing lines on the computer, drawing lines on a piece of paper, drawing with chalk on the pavement in your garden (ask your parents first), use sticks you have found in the garden or outside to put together, use washing line pegs (ask your parents first), use string, paperclips etc.
The measurements are:
18cm, 24cm, 28cm, 32cm, 40cm
Remember, send your pictures into
Mrs Wordsmith
Like we do in class, work through the attached powerpoint exploring the word 'assertive'. Then write three sentences with the word 'assertive' in.
Here are your spellings for this week to practise, in preparation for your spelling test next week.
Group 2 spellings have increased to 15 each week. This week these are: spacious, gracious, vicious, malicious, officious, atrocious, precious, delicious, conscious, suspicious, infectious, contentious, pretentious, ambitious, nutritious.
This half term our PE sport would have been netball. It won't be possible now to carry out our PE lessons in quite the same way, but some of the skills you could potentially practise at home. The link attached goes through the shoulder pass. Have a go with a netball (or a ball of a similar size) at the shoulder pass in your garden or in an outdoor space you can use. It would help if you had a partner. Otherwise, prepare to do a lot of running!
French Lesson One
Today I would like you to introduce yourself to the French phrases on the slides. Listen to the phrases and repeat them. Then complete the follow up worksheet.