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This week we have read 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Breakfast'.  It was all about when Mr and Mrs Grinling met the pirates!  We discussed together what parts of the story we enjoyed and then discussed what it would be like to be a pirate.  

In our literacy we are continuing with writing captions but are now creating things to help pirates which has resulted in lots of wonderful ideas and writing.  In our maths we are discussing 10 - counting up and back to 10, recognising numbers, saying which comes before or after and then finding lots of different ways of making 10.  We have also found out about 10 little pirates.

In our forest school work we are developing our minibeast knowledge by searching for different minibeasts and identifying where they can be found, then sharing ideas with our friends.

We are taking part in 'extremely difficult pirate challenges' this week in our phonic sessions and also in our learning walks.  We are also making our own pirate paper.

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We have been making pirate treasure maps and then writing captions to inform our friends.  We used the sounds we have been learning and also keywords!
