Watch the two videos below and then answer the two questions that follow.
How can you show kindness to those returning to school today?
How can those who are returning show kindness to those who have been in school the whole time?
Watch the video below. What is the message of this video? Can you think of any kind things you have seen others do? How did it make you feel? Can you remember the last kind thing you did?
Watch the video below and then answer this question:
How does being kind to others benefit you? Can you think of real-life examples of how being kind to others has actually benefited you?
Please watch the video below and then discuss what you have learnt about kindness and how it benefits you in other ways.
Can you think of examples of how people have been kind during the pandemic. Make a list on your whiteboard with as many examples as possible. Even in times of crisis, people are kind and like to think of others.
Did you do anything kind for others during the pandemic?