Timetable - Wednesday 27th January
Literacy |
Guided Reading |
Numeracy - Starter |
Numeracy |
Mrs Wordsmith |
Spellings |
PE |
Music |
Please also remember to complete your reading for 20 minutes a day. Once you have finished your reading book, complete an AR test using the useful links page (tree icon).
Also, please complete 10 minutes of consolidating your times tables and division facts by using TTRockstars. The link for this is also on the useful link page (tree icon).
Today you are going to be getting into the role of a main character from your story. This could be the good king or the family member who steals the crown. Delve deeper into creating their backstory. Consider the following questions:
- What has made them become the person they are?
- What is most important to them?
- Who are significant people in their lives?
- What are their strengths? Weaknesses?
- Why do they think they would make the best king?
If you were in class, you would be carrying out a role play 'hot-seating' activity, where one person would play the character, whilst a partner asks relevant questions to find out more about them. If you have a willing partner at home to do this with you can still try this and film your Q&A session, or else write notes afterwards. If you are working independently, try writing the interview in a magazine-style format.
Question: Why do you think you should be king rather than your brother?
Answer: I have always been the stronger man, both physically and mentally. I am all that my brother isn't, I just happened to be born later. If I wait for old age to take Earle, who knows what state our beloved England could be in by then? I love my brother, but I love my country more.
Guided Reading
Today I would like you to complete one of the three sets of comprehension questions about the circulatory system. Choose appropriately, giving yourself some challenge.
Numeracy- Starter
Today I would like you to have another go at estimating. Look at the pictures of the animals for about 10-15 seconds before estimating the number of animals you can see. You can check how close you are by counting them afterwards.
Today we are going to be practising using the bus stop method to carry out short division problems. The video attached talks you through how to use the bus stop method, including how to answer using remainders and decimals. We have looked at this before in class, so for most of you, this will be recapping what you know. Answer one set of the questions below, using the bus stop method to help you. Remember to challenge yourselves! The answers are attached below in a document, or you can check using a calculator. If you get through the questions quickly, there is an additional investigation challenge you can try too.
Mild | Medium | Hot |
Mrs Wordsmith
Today I would like you to revise the new words you have learnt so far this week and practise use them in sentences. Write two sentences for each word. After that, try matching up the definitions of some previous Mrs Wordsmith words (attached).
Below you will find your new list of spellings for this week. The spelling worksheets for groups 1 and 2 are attached, should you wish to use them. Today I would like you to copy down these words in your neatest handwriting, practise pronouncing the sounds and go over any words you may have difficulty saying.
Group One - silent 't' and 'n'
castle, nestle, thistle, jostle, rustle, fasten, listen, glisten, christen, moisten, condemn, shymn, solemn, column, autumn
Group Two - the 'ent' suffix
agent, recent, intelligent, innocent, frequent, accident, incident, confident, resident, evident, payment, agreement, shipment, employment, argument
Group Three - 'or' sound
story, more, tore, sore, storm, boring, fork, torch, short, born
On the link attached, there are various PE activities that can be used to incorporate PE into your home learning. Have a look through, pick a few of the ideas that appeal to you and try them out!
Find below the link to part 4 of your Anglo Saxon Music lessons. These lessons don't involve very much writing, so if you could film part of your lesson to send in, or simply mention it in your home learning emails, that would be fantastic.