LO: Find the volume of cubes and cuboids
Complete the questions from my input as a warm up.
We haven’t tackled volume before, so make sure you pay close attention!
Watch the video, complete the questions as appropriate and then have a go at the worksheet
LO: Understand how to take notes from a text
This is a continuation of yesterday’s lesson, and an opportunity for you to both consolidate and expand your learning.
You’re going to look at how to turn your notes into full sentences, and then also carry on practising notes on Charles Darwin.
Choose something or a combination of things:
- Joe Wicks videos on YouTube
- Yoga videos on YouTube
- Design your HIIT session and see if you can complete!
- Invent a new sport, test it and improve the rules.
- Create your own sporting drill to practise a certain skill for your favourite sport.
- Invent an Anglo-Saxon sport, based on your knowledge of what they liked to do.
Today I would like you to go back on Language Angels home learning. You will need the username and password to get in which are:
Once you have logged in, pick the intermediate level, then unit 10, lesson 3. It will direct you to the lesson for today which includes a:
- slideshow
- Q&A worksheet
- an interactive game
The Rest
- 15-20 minutes of reading a day
- TT Rockstars
Tomorrow is your last day for submission, so make sure you have had a go at the task and submitted it!
Write down 3 things you have enjoyed about this week, and 3 things you are looking forward to next week.