We have enjoyed being back at school after our Easter Break and telling our friends all about our holidays! We have written detailed information in our diaries and added more when discussing!
Percy met a new friend over the holidays and has sent us a story so that we can help a new character.
Our story new story is called the Lighthouse Keeper lunch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsZK6hv7nCU.
In our maths work we have been working on pairs of numbers that make 10 - we have played different games including red and white, find 10 and learned some songs to help us -
Making 10 dance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD_RUVLPvTY
Number bond song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdPA2YHIdqU
We have been working hard on remembering the rules and expectations of our environment and discussing ways that we can learn safely together. In our learning discussions we have also begun to think of ways that we can help the lighthouse keeper and what we would like to find out about. We have painted pictures of Mr and Mrs Grinling, created lego lighthouses and made wonderful food to put in the basket using playdough and our mud kitchen!
What a busy week!
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