This week in our literacy we are reading a new Elmer story - Elmer and the hippos - we will be predicting what we think will happen and answering lots of comprehension questions.
Our focus this week for keywords are: go to the they said - can you find these words in any books at home?
In our phonics we are working on the sound EAR - watch Geraldine and see what she finds - - can you find any other words with this sound in them?
In our maths we are working on sharing - have a look at Miss Cooper and see what challenges she is setting us this week: - sharing
It's a week of keeping healthy!
We are reading the story Handa's surprise (see the story on the link below) discussing the events in the story and what we notice. We are also looking into the food that she carries and if this is healthy. We then investigated what fruit is healthy, ending with a healthy kebab. Please see our home link information for more work that we will be doing this week - however we are also hoping to have a SPORTS DAY! This is where the children will be participating in races that develop the skills that they have been learning this year- balancing, bouncing, dribbling and running! Please see a selection of photos above sharing these skills.
Well done Pine Class for all your hard work.
If you need any further information please email