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Happy New Year!

What a wonderful start to the New Year.... a fire alarm!  The children were very sensible and managed an early morning wake up!  Thank you to all concerned.  We think it was a last hurrah from the Elf!

We have continued with our focus on the fairy tale characters and decided on how we can complete some Christmas celebrations for them, lots of ideas of presents to make in the construction and ways to help them with our outdoor resources.  We also focused on reminding each other of ways to work together and support each other with ideas during our learning walks.

Please use the home link document above to support learning at home and consolidate what we have been doing at school.  If you require any further information, please email


A Nest!

We have had a visitor!  They have left a nest!  We then had to search for clues..... what could it have been?  After lots of discussion and a letter from Baby Bear..... we think it was.... ZOG!  There were stars in there that he had collected from Madame Dragon, some burnt wood when he had practiced his breathing fire and then lots of twigs that he had collected.  We searched and searched but could not find him.  HOWEVER... we did see some other clues... Princess Pearl's bandages, some feathers, some bite marks and a bit mark in the trike area that we think he made when he landed.  There were also some footprints on our skylight which we think he left too.

So now for some wonderful Zog challenges.... What will they be?

Look at some of the clues we found.... ask us all about them
