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Going to school September 2025

Going to school September 2026

Try out the new Cambridgeshire 50 things to do before you're 5 app. It is full of wonderful ideas to do with your child that are either low cost or free and complement their pre-school learning. You can find the link through the website below or by searching on your app store.


This is a useful website with lots of advice and ideas from

Try our superhero training. The children really enjoy doing this at pre-school. You can add the reasons for each move, things like we have to be able to escape from the baddies so let's do some crawling.

Try a shape hunt at home

When looking for shapes at home it is important for your child to understand more than just the name of the shape. For example young children will often only recognise an equilateral triangle so explain that a triangle has three sides and three points and show them different types of triangle. They also need to know the difference between a square and an oblong. Try looking for shapes while out and about, when you go shopping or in the car finding the different shape road signs and traffic lights. Most importantly have fun!
