The end is closing in but we are still working hard in year 6! We have turned our attention to theme park management and seeing how good we are at running a business! We have been investing money and paying the bills, and then seeing our profits!
In English we have been finishing our superhero unit with a narrative. A variety of genres have been chosen, ranging from action to romance! It's been lovely to see the children apply all the skills they have learnt this year.
It has been the 'dreaded' SRE in PSHE this week. The children have learnt about how babies are made and also what they can expect during puberty, and have handled it in the calm, mature manner that you would expect from year 6...!
We also had our Sports Day, and plenty of photos were taken, which will be appearing soon. The production will also be with everyone soon, and now it's time to turn our attention to the leavers assembly...