- Ensure you have read the focus text for the week
Daily Activities: These will be also discussed in our Daily introduction Video
- Phonics – Mrs Stevens may introduce you to a phonic session on the daily challenge page OR choose games from the phonic activity page
- Maths – Mrs Stevens may introduce you to a maths session on the daily challenge page OR choose games from the maths activity page
- Look at the keyword page – ask your grown up to write these out for you or use the keyword home pack and see if you can recognise them – keep trying and see if you recognise more each time. Play keyword hide and seek. Use a flyswatter to hit each keyword when your grown up says it. If you get 5 keywords you can choose your next game, get a sticker or have a treat etc then move to more than 5.
- Read a book together – use the oxford owl website and choose 4-5 year old books or 4-7. I really like Big Bad Bug!
- Keep active: - Start your day with a Jo Wicks session and finish your activities with our wonderful yoga work: Enjoy our very favourite COSMIC YOGA - https://www.youtube.com/user/Cosmic KidsYoga (there are also some more active games on our additional daily task page)
Then do the daily challenges on our challenge page – Have fun!