This week is science week. We have been investigating how to be a scientist and what we could investigate. Day one - Mrs and Mr Grinling had sent us something out of their basket - it was a bottle of coke and mentos. We predicted what would happen if we added them together - then we tested it out! It was amazing. We then found another experiment that added more ingredients!
Our second science work activity this week was to investigate materials. We had a task to help the lighthouse keeper create some nests for the pesky seagulls who keep trying to steal the food from the basket. The lighthouse keeper wanted to make the nest so comfortable that the seagulls would stay in them and not take their food! We came up with lots of ideas and worked very together as a team.
Our next experiment was to help Mr Grinling. He has had a disaster and his little boat has broken. He needs this to get to the lighthouse. He has made a collection of different objects made from various materials and would like our help. What would be the best to float?
We then decided on how we would solve the problem and test out all the materials. Our exploration of floating and sinking then took place. We have sent Mr Grinling our results!