There is a planned admission number (PAN) of 30 children in each class in key stage 1 (years R, 1 and 2) , however we have introduced an extra class into KS1 to cater for the increased admissions expected in the coming years. We appreciate that Manea is growing as a village and we, as a community school, want to cater for our families. We therefore know numbers may increase within the next few years where our PAN will also increase.
For children who are in key stage 2 ( years 3 ,4, 5 and 6) the planned admission number is 30 for each class with the maximum class size as 34 for discrete year groups.
Parents and carers are welcome to contact the school office to discuss arranging a visit around the school. If you need help with admissions please contact the Local Authority School Admissions Team - information in the attachment below. You will be directed to the admission team who are responsible and manage all admissions to the school.