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Wednesday 24/2/2021



Good Morning

Remember you should be completing at least four hours of home learning today. Here is a suggested timetable for you: 

Collective Worship                                               


Starter LO: To apply my knowledge of the seven times tables. 

This week, in our starters, we are practising our seven times tables. Remember, if you get stuck, you have things in your home learning packs which might help. Don't forget to keep using TT Rock stars too. 


Try the problem below: 

Main LO: To solve problems in the context of rounding decimals. 

Today, we are applying our learning from yesterday's lesson. 


Click here to follow today's lesson with Mr Whitehead from the Oak National Academy. 


Within the video, Mr Whitehead will set today's challenge, so make sure you watch it as he shares an example of how to complete today's task:



In need of an extra challenge? Try this: 


Starter: To uplevel sentences


First, rewrite the sentence adding in modifying nouns or adjectives e.g:  The busy, colourful stalls were filled with deliciously tempting items.


Next, rewrite your sentence but include a fronted adverbial e.g:  Before opening, the busy, colourful stalls were filled with deliciously tempting items


Finally, rewrite the same sentence but add a subordinating conjunction and subordinate clause e.g.  Before opening, the busy, colourful stalls were filled with deliciously tempting items as curious customers began to arrive

Main: To research facts for an explanation text. 


As you are aware, we will be writing an explanation text about why Manea is a great place to live. 


Yesterday, we thought about the sub-headings we will use in our text. Today, I would like you to research more information about them.


Start, by asking as many people as you can why they live in Manea. What makes it a great place to live? 


Then add your facts under your sub-headings in note form- remember we are not writing the text today- just making notes. You could use the box it up format below. You could conduct your research by having a walk around the village, can you notice how many different types of houses there are? Are there more modern or more older houses? What do people enjoy doing in Manea? 

Guided Reading

LO: To review a text. 

Thinking about the text we have been reading for the last few weeks, 'How we digest food', consider the following questions:


- What was the purpose of the text? Why was it written?

- Do you think it was an effective text? Did you learn from it? What made it effective?

- Can you write down 5 new facts that you have learnt from reading this explanation text?

Class Story

In chapter 2 of this story, you will need to understand what a dumbwaiter is. Read the definition below, and look at the pictures, as it will help you to visualise the story as I read it.


A dumbwaiter is a small freight elevator or lift used to connect two floors, often carrying food or goods from one floor to another. Not intended for use by animals or people, a dumbwaiter can be a type of portable serving stand or table. They are often found in restaurants, or older private homes, and are a means of conveyance between a kitchen and a floor above or below. A simple dumbwaiter includes shafts, ropes, and pulleys, while a more modern one can include electric motors like a smaller scale passenger elevator.  



The Spiderwick Chronicles, The Field Guide- Chapter 2

Mrs Wordsmith




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      Our new Science unit is… 

Here is some of the vocabulary which we will use this unit. You could play games with these words to make sure you learn them, e.g. use them in a Pictionary style game. 

       LO: To label the parts of a flower and know their functions

Starter: Before we begin our new unit, let's think about what we already know. Use this K, W, L grid to help you record your current knowledge, and the things that you would like to find out about plants. 


Main: Let's start this unit by really getting to know the plants around us. You could go on a walk around Manea and see how many different plants you can see. Think about the different flowers, trees, bushes etc. What do they all have in common?


Choose a plant (perhaps in your back garden) and create an observational drawing of it. Remember we did this in art not too long ago. Apply all of the different skills we learnt then e.g. consider the texture and tone to create a 3d effect. 


Can you now label your diagram with some of today's key vocabulary?


LO:To use the eight compass points to describe routes on a map.


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