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Our learning walk


This week we had the BEST ideas!  A submarine to go down the well and save the rabbit! A pizza cake for when the rabbit is saved! A flying potion to help the rabbit get free! A helicopter with a very long ladder and some cakes for going on the rescue mission!  Please see the learning walk information below with more exciting things


In other news.......

This week we are continuing with writing our diaries and developing our counting skills.  We are also writing captions to describe the objects in Percy's helpful basket.  This will involve using our keyword and sound knowledge in simple sentences.  We are also developing our understanding of money using various coins to pay for objects.  We are continuing with creating our dreamcatchers and discussing what we have been proud of this year.  Our first challenge from Percy the Park Keeper was to plant his potatoes and this week we will be digging them up!  We hope they have grown!


Please see the home link document above with more information on how you can consolidate learning at home.  If you have any questions, please email


Percy's Potatoes

It is time to harvest the potatoes that Percy sent to us...... we worked in our groups to see what we could find...... IT WAS AMAZING!  There were loads of potatoes at the bottom of the plants...... we really enjoyed digging and finding them, noticing the different things that we found and then even worked together to count them in our teams!

Foxes found 25

Robins found 25

Hedgehogs found 16

squirrels found 23

Now to clean, cook and EAT them!

And then we cleaned, cooked and then ATE them!

Look at some of our other amazing challenges....
