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In our learning walk this week we focused on sharing ideas with our friends.  It is always a good idea to take it in turns to talk and then listen to each other!  We came up with some fantastic ideas together, see the information and photographs below of some of our hard work.

In other learning we are investigating 'ing' words in our phonics and 'chunking up' longer words to read them.  We have been developing our understanding of odd, even and doubling in maths and we have had our SCHOOL TRIP!  We have also had a very tricky challenge from Percy the Park Keeper....... to look after some EGGS!  What a wonderful week!

Our School Trip to Johnson's Farm

Our school trip was amazing!  We had the very best time looking at the animals and finding out how they lived.  We were able to see crocodiles, bears and the lions even came up to say hello!    We discussed what we liked best and also found out ways to help look after our ducklings!  What an amazing day.  See the photographs below for more of our adventures!

During our visit we were able to handle some of the wonderful animals.  The Keeper told us all about the tortoise and the python.  Then he took them around the circle so that we could hold them and discuss what we noticed!  It was AMAZING!


Our Paralympian event was FANTASTIC!  We worked very hard and definitely earned our sponsorship money!  Well done everyone!

Look at some of the challenges we worked on this week!  Percy will be VERY impressed with our hard work and we also ensured that we worked together, sharing ideas and listening to the ideas of our friends!
