In our learning walk this week we have been talking about how reading helps us across all our learning. We have investigated many books during our work and are now using these to support our setting of challenges! See some of our wonderful ideas below:
In other learning we have been investigating the new story 'The treasure hunt' and then creating our own hunts where we have been writing captions and short sentences to support the hunt! We have been using our maths knowledge to support our investigations relating to doubling and number bonds. We have had to count VERY carefully in all our work.
This week is science week and we have been set two main challenges by Percy. One is that he has a hole in his bucket. He wants us to use the knowledge we gained when we investigated materials for Zog's raincoat to help plug the hole. The other challenge is related to the ducklings. We have looked after them very well and now mummy duck would like us to help them learn to swim and float on water. All our investigations are being shown in our market place on Friday which we hope you can all join us and celebrate.
The link document above will support consolidation of learning at home, if you require any further information, please email
Look how the ducklings have grown!
Our Treasure Hunt
Percy had sent us a challenge.... we had to read clues to get to the treasure chest! We worked in our groups and read very carefully, using our sound knowledge and also our tricky words! We then moved our 'reading Percy' to the different clues. We solved it!
Our next challenge was again from Percy. As we had looked after the ducklings so well, he thought that we could teach them to go in water! He didn't want them to sink so he had sent us lots of different objects to investigate. Once we had predicted whether they would float or sink we then had to test them out. It was amazing! Some that we thought would sink, floated and others did what we predicted. Two conkers were different.... one sank and one floated - this was because one had a crack in it! We also had two beads - one floated and one sank - we thought very carefully about this and looked at them very closely - the one that floated was made from wood! We then whispered our findings to the ducks so they were ready for their swim!
The ducklings LOVED their time in our little pond!