This is a week of celebrations - our Harvest Festival was on Monday and we were so proud to be able to share our work so far with our grown ups and also our amazing rhyme and songs that we have been learning. Well done everyone and thank you all for coming.
In our literacy we are finding out about the letters h b f and l. We are continuing with blending the sounds we have been learning so far and have completed some fantastic games. In maths we are investigating that 1 and another 1 is 2. Also that 1 and 1 and 1 makes 3. We are taking part in lots of activities to develop these concepts. In other learning we are investigating porridge and exploring how mummy bear makes it. We are also developing our awareness of keeping safe when around a firepit.
Our learning walk this week was to support our 3 Bears work, using all of the resources and areas that we have been finding out about this half term. We have decided on some amazing activities - have a look on the information and photographs below.
Thank you again for all your support this half term and we wish you a restful and enjoyable half term.
More details are on the home link document above, if you would like more information, please email
Baby Bear got a drum for his birthday so we decided to find out how to play it properly for him. We had a wonderful visitor called Martin who told us lots of different ways to beat the drum - we used a two and a three part beat and then sang some songs! See the photos below
We then had a present from Mummy Bear ..... her porridge...... she told Mrs Stevens how to cook it and also sent us some logs to make the fire! We found out how to be safe near a fire and then Mrs Stevens lit it. The porridge was cooked over the fire and smelt lovely. Once it was ready we were able to try a bit. It was delicious! Thank you Mummy Bear!