Welcome to our Class Page. This page will be updated each Friday and will share the children's learning and achievements with those at home.
Important information:
Willowclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk (Mr Lenton-Boon)
Ashclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk (Mr Bishop)
Week 2:
Year 4 maths: This week w have been learning a new formal method for multiplication.
we have continued to work on our times tables and have had fun playing a new game.
In science we have learnt the words, carnivore, herbivore and omnivore, We have also used this information to see how animals could be grouped and sorted.
Spring 1: Week 1
In writing this week we have continued to write a letter from the point of view of Jack from Jack and the Baked Beanstalk. We have been modifying the verbs to tell the reader where and/or when the verb took place.
In guided reading, we have been reading The legend of Podkin one ear. We searched for descriptive language and used AI to help us visualise the character setting.
In the afternoon, we have been learning about the 7 life processes in science and identifying what we are good at in P.S.H.E.
Week 7: WC: 16th December 2024
Wow! the children did amazingly in their Christmas singalong! the children have worked so hard learning all the lyrics to all the Christmas songs.
This week has been a very busy and exciting one. We moved into our new classes on Monday and were so excited to get to see the new teaching block. The children were so interested in getting to try out the new 'hand dryers'.
The Year 3 and 4 staff are so proud of the children this term, we have seen the children settle so well into Year 3 and 4 and we can not wait for the Spring term.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Week 6: WC: 9th December 2024
Another busy week and the children have again impressed us all with their work ethic to continue to be fully engaged in their learning. Year 3 in Maths were learning how to divide. They used the concrete resources to support their understanding. In DT the children are aiming to make a bag that will hold a chocolate golden coin. We can't wait to show you when the children have finished them next week.
Week 5: WC: 2nd December 2024
The children in DT this week have been designing and making 'Bendy bags' with a christmas theme.
In English we came to an end with our non-chronological reports all about the human body. The children's knowledge that they have retained and used across the weeks has really impressed the adults.
We have all been working really hard learning our christmas songs in preparation for the christmas singalong next week. We hope you can join us!
Week 4: WC: 25th November 2024
The children have had another action packed week. In PE, the Year 4s have been enjoying learning football skills with Mr Bishop. The children took part in some small sided matches.
In Maths, Year 3 have started their multiplication unit. During their lessons they enjoyed using the 'popit' ten frames to multiply by 10.
Week 3: WC: 18th November 2024
This half term is flying by! This week we started our History unit focusing on how our school has changed over the years. Below you can see from the pictures that the school has changed in lots of ways, but the shape of the original building remains. The children had lots of questions for Mrs Stevens and Mrs Stone who are staff members who have been at the school the longest.
In maths, the children have loved times table groups. Each week the children aim to learn the times table that their group is focusing on. The children loved the fact they could move onto the next time table group next week.
In PE, Year 4 continued their football unit, it was very cold! but they braved the weather well and took part in some small sided games.
Week 2: WC: 11th November 2024
The children have again worked really hard this week. We had lesson drop ins from other adults in the school and they have all commented how well the children are learning and enjoyment they are showing in all subjects.
In Geography, this week the children have been learning about the Lake district and researching why it is a popular tourist destination and how it compares to our area. The children were amazed by the stunning scenery.
In Reading, the children took part in a retrieval race where they worked in groups to find the answers to the questions about our class reader the 'Demon Headmaster'. The children loved this activity and it was fantastic to witness their motivation in completing the activity as part of a team.
In PE, year 3 have been impressing the adults with their excellent attitude when attending the swimming pool. All year 3 say its a highlight of their week.
Please remember that homework has been given out to the children today and this time it is set on a two-week period not three. We will be back to the three-week cycle after this cycle of homework.
Autumn 2:
Week 1: 4th November 2024
This week the children have been busy deepening their understanding of non-chronological reports. They have explored the presentational and language features in model texts. They have also explored a non-chronological report during their reading lessons.
In art, the children have been creating comic book cells for a poem.
Week 8: WC: 21st October 2024
This week the children have had a jammed pack week full of lots of activities. On Tuesday, both classes performed their Harvest assemblies and all the children were fantastic.
On Wednesday, the children took part in a African drumming session with Martin. They learnt how to drum correctly and the importance of finding the correct tempo when you are tapping the drum. In the afternoon, we were lucky to have a cricket coach visit the children this half term. The have learnt lots of new skills and have impressed us all with their attitudes and skill level when taking part.
Week 7: WC: 14th October 2024.
The children had a super fun day on Thursday. The children took park in lots of magical themed activities focused on Harry Potter. Both classes wrote lovely set of instructions instructing someone how to ride a magical flying broomstick. Also, the children took part in a Harry Potter themed Art tutorial, which they all loved! See below examples of work from the children. Please also check out our superb costumes!
Week 6:
We have had a very musical week! We have been busy learning our songs for our Harvest festival and Mrs Bevan brought in some of her instruments from home for us to have a go!
In English we have been hard at work learning about fronted adverbials and trying to spot them in our work!
Week 5: WC: 30.9.24
Wow, where is this term going?!
The children have impressed all the adults in both classes this week with their attitudes and work ethic in all subjects. In Maths, the teachers have challenged the children in TTRS to beat them! the children have loved the competitiveness of learning their time tables and beating Mr Lenton-Boon and Mr Bishop. In Science, the children learnt about the food groups and the types of food that belong in each group. We challenged the children to see if their dinners this week contained some of these groups..... We heard about some lovely food choices.
The children have started practicing their Harvest festival assemblies this week. We can not wait to show off our singing, acting and poems. We hope you can all make it :)
Week 4: WC: 23.9.24
In Year 3 maths this week the children played a dice game called 'dotty 6'. The children enjoyed being competitive against a learning partner and using their maths knowledge to support them.
In English this week we have been working hard to identify clauses, subjects and verbs.
Week 3: W/C: 16.9.24.
The children have been working hard this week in both classes. They have shown excellent attitude and hard work aligning with the expectations that we expect in year 3/4. The children have been encouraged to become more independent with their learning when it comes to making decisions that will support progress in their learning.
This week, we welcomed a cricket coach from Cambridgeshire county cricket board. We learnt about the discipline of fielding and played lots of fun skill games to improve our skills. We are excited to be taking part in the cricket sessions until October half term on a Wednesday afternoon.
Also this week, we started our Science unit focusing on Animals including humans. We learnt how many bones are in the human body and the names of these bones. Please take time at home this week to quiz the children on the bones.
In English, We are continuing to learn about the basics of grammar. We focused on verbs this week and the children all did brilliantly to identify regular and irregular verbs.
Swimming will be taking place for Year 4 every Tuesday until October half term.
Week 2: Commencing 9th September 2024
In topic this week, we have been looking at branching diagrams. we have explored open and closed questions and how we can use questions to create groups.
In English, we have been looking at collective, partitive, common and proper nouns.
Week 1: W/C: 2/09/24
What a fantastic first week back. We have ben working hard to learn new routines and the expectations that we have about our work.
In the afternoons we have been focusing on building relationships with our new classmates. We are in the process of planning our own talks where we can share information about ourselves with out peers.