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Our learning this week is based around Baby Bear's birthday!  We are very excited to be able to share the celebrations.  We are making cards, using our scissor control and being very safe.  In our busy learning we are solving challenges to create presents and activities that Baby Bear would like.  Our learning walk developed this even further when we had to discuss our ideas together.  In maths we are developing our awareness of heavier and light and have become human scales.... see the photos below.  In our phonics we are recapping the sounds we have learnt so far and are applying these in our writing about our favourite toy (to help Baby Bear decide on his present!)  We are also starting our forest school sessions where we have been investigating the changes that happen in the Autumn.

A very busy week!  Please use the home link document above to support and consolidate learning at home.  If you have any questions or comments about your child's learning, please email


Our learning walk this week....... what can we make for baby bear?

We have worked hard in our groups discussing what we could create, the squirrels wanted to make a monster truck, a potion to turn everything to rainbow coloured and then even a rainbow necklace.  The robins chose to make a birthday cake with leaf decorations and candles and in the sand pit they create a sandcastle with birthday sprinkles!  The hedgehogs decided to make a unicorn robot car and a birthday cake.  Finally the badgers worked very hard and decided to create an 'ambulance racing car' and again in the forest area, a delicious looking birthday cake.  See the photos below of some of our work.  Well done everyone - Baby Bear will love all the ideas!

Being human scales....... we have been investigating various objects and discussing if they are heavy or light.  Look at the fun we had!

Our first forest school session involved an exploration.  We had Autumn spotter sheets and investigated the field at the bottom of school.  We noticed many different wonderful things whilst on our walk.......... leaves had changed colours from red to yellow to brown and were falling from the trees.  A squirrel was hunting for nuts - he jumped really high when he saw us!  We also noticed the change in the weather, although it was sunny it was much colder.  See some of our adventures in the photographs below:


After our Autumn walk, Baby bear sent us some new challenges, to make a bird feeder, to create nature portraits and to retell the story of Goldilocks and the three bears.  We have had great fun!

Look at our amazing work that we have completed during our busy learning challenge time......
