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W/B 2.9.24

We would all like to welcome everyone back to school and hope you all had an enjoyable and restful summer break.


We have had a busy few days settling back into our school routines and everyone has adjusted very well to their new classes. We have enjoyed meeting our new classmates and have worked together to come up with some class rules to keep us Ready, Respectful and Safe. 

In English, we have been getting ready to write and have thought about our pencil grips and how to form our letters correctly. We have also tried hard to make sure all letters sit properly on the line. 

In Maths lessons, Year 1's have been sorting and grouping objects. Year 2's have been focusing on numbers to 20 and have been writing theme in numerals and words. 


Next week, we will resume our Little Wandle reading groups and their new books will be sent home after the children have completed 3 reads in school. 
