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It is wonderful to be back together and find out all the wonderful things that we have been doing with our families.  We discussed them carefully and then wrote our diaries for the first time!  We used our phonic and handwriting knowledge to record our favourite activity.

In maths we are working very hard with our counting and have worked very hard.  We have also been finding out about Diwali.  Please use the information on the home link document above to find out more!

In our learning walk we have been creating using what we have found out last week.... in our forest area and mud kitchen we have made Halloween cupcakes, candyfloss, jacket potatoes and pancakes.  We have been finding out about bonfires and how to be safe and have even made a fire engine to keep us all safe!  See the photographs below which will show you even more of our work.

If you have any queries or would like more information, please email Mrs Stevens on

We were so very lucky that a family in Manea sent us some fir cones to use in our learning.  We are very good at making bird feeders and have thought about how we can use the cones to create some more....... Look at what we created.........

Our Diwali Celebrations


We have been finding out about celebrations and this is a wonderful time of year for many celebrations, bonfire night, Halloween and also Diwali.  We have celebrated Diwali in our class this week and have taken part in many activities.  We have made our own divas, using clay.  We had to roll the clay into a ball, then pinch it to make a pot.  We added a lip to it as the real diva lights have.  Once the clay had hardened we then decorated it with glitter to make them sparkle.  We have used lots of resources to create our own Rangoli patterns, even using natural objects in our forest school nature session.  We have listened to the story of Diwali and then used the puppets to retell in our block area.  We have also listened to other stories, including the 'Best Ever Diwali' story and 'Little Glow' which told us all about the celebrations.  We then enjoyed a yoga session and learnt lots of new positions whilst listening to celebration music.  We then covered our outside area in firework chalk drawings!  See the photographs below of some of our work.
