In Year 1, maths this week has been a review of number and place value. We have been counting on from different numbers, finding 1 more and 1 less than our number and plotting numbers on a number line.
In year 2, maths has been focussed on addition and subtraction again this week. We have been solving a range of addition, subtraction and missing number problems and we have also been comparing number sentences.
In English this week, we have been continuing our work on our non-chronological report. We have been thinking about how we can improve our writing by modifying nouns using adjectives. We have also recapped using proper nouns and have been thinking about where dragons may live. We are now looking forward to putting all of our knowledge together next week to write our non-chronological reports.
This week, we have started our new topic - Art: Explore and draw. We have been looking at art work that has been created by a range of different artists and have learned about where artists may get their inspiration from. We had an art lesson outside this week to find our own inspiration from nature; we used twigs, leaves, pine cones and pebbles to create sculptures before choosing one object to look at closely and draw.