This week we have introduced the children to our focus text for the next half term, Rapunzel. We have looked at different versions and thought about the similarities and differences between these and the traditional tale we may have heard before. We have begun thinking about Rapunzel's tower and how we could describe it. Next week, we will use these descriptions to write a Setting Description.
In Beech class, we have been looking at money. We have identified different coins and their values. We have also thought used our addition skills to calculate total amounts.
In Pine and Cherry class, we have been revisiting place value and have recapped our knowledge of numbers to 10. We have made bar models and part-part whole models.
Our first topic for this term is Geography. We have been looking at different weather patterns and how these can be affected by the changing seasons. We have spent time outside looking for seasonal clues and have been filling in a weather diary to identify changes. We have also been cloud spotters and have used the correct scientific names for clouds we have identified!