Home Page


Dear Willow class,


We are missing you greatly and we hope you are staying safe at home and continuing to challenge yourself.


Our webpage is going to be a little different from now on. You will see your Maths and literacy work on this page and then I will link you to the Class page for all the other activities you could have a go at!





This week we are going to look at 2D shapes!


I would like you to watch the video below and then go on a shape hunt around your home or outside if you go out for a walk.


You could draw the shapes you spot and tell me how many corners and edges it has!


How many can you find? Can you find any shapes that we have not seen before?

Shapes for Kids | 2D Shapes | Shapes Song | Shape Up| Jack Hartmann

Shape Up is a great educational song for children learning about 2D shapes. In Shape Up, children see the different shapes and then draw the shape in the air...


Please find your work for literacy below! Remember to watch your next chapters of the story below.

Georges Marvellous Medicine (7 & 8)

Click the link below to find all the other activities you can do at home this week. Remember to talk lots about these.
