Dear Willow Class,
It has been lovely to hear from most of you over the past two weeks and it has been great to hear everything that you have been getting up to.
Look at all the work that has been sent in it has been incredible! Remember we have some special pages on our website now. You can cook with Mrs Kyne, do P.E with Mr Tull, read with Mrs Johnson and have a forest school at home with Mr Lenton.
If you are doing any of these activities e-mail us your pictures! You can e-mail us at any time at
This week we are going to step away from our normal topic work and really focus on a special event that is happening that you may have heard of. Read below to find out more!
This week I want you to understand how to count in 2's, 5's, 10's
Some of you may only practise the 2's and that is ok. Challenge yourself to learn as many as you can over the week. Below are some songs that will help you remember.
You could show your learning in the following ways:
Please find your literacy tasks below. We have taken a from Roald Dahl this week to think about V.E day