Hello everyone,
We hope you are all staying safe and enjoying the sunny weather? You are doing really well in continuing to learn at home and we are very proud of you.
Please continue with using the times tables rockstars and reading books to complete the accelerated reader tests at home.
Below are some more reading, writing, spelling and maths activities for you to try. Please also look at our class page for topic work. This week there is a music activity you can try too.
Remember, keep sending in your work to ashclass@manea.cambs.sch.uk email address. We love to see your work.
Miss Bridges and Mrs Revell.
Writing and Spelling
If you have Scrabble, Boggle or any words games/magnetic letters at home, use the tiles to see how many CVCC and CCVC words you can make. Write the down once you have made them and draw a picture to match the word.
Ask a family member to jumble up the letters in each of the words to make an anagram. Can you then unscramble them to work out the correct spelling of the word?
Continue with writing sentences of the pictures from week beginning 16/4/2020. You do not have to use these pictures, you can use the link below, or photographs of holidays, landscapes from your favourite film or pictures from a magazine or a holiday website. How many of the CVCC or CCVC words from the above activity can you include in your writing?
High frequency words
Using the high frequency word list we gave out in the home learning pack from school, pick a word that you do not know. Read it three times a day, practice spelling it three times a day and use it in your writing once day. This will help you to remember the word.
Become a detective and find the word in other books around your home. How many times can you find it?
Listen to an adult reading a short story to you. You can use the David Wallaim's audio book link below, or listen to Mrs Johnson reading the weekly book on the class page.
Then draw a picture of part of the story and label it. Explain the picture to an adult of what you have drawn. This can be broken down to small chunks each day if you want to use a longer story.
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Maths - Fractions
Practice finding fractions of a number.
Find ½ of 10, ½ of 16, ½ of 20, ½ of 24.
Divide the whole number by the denominator (bottom number). The answer is the amount in one of those groups. You can use things from around your home (chocolate buttons – be careful not to eat any! Twigs from the garden, pebbles, leaves, felt tips pens/pencils etc).
Find ¼ of 12, ¼ of 16, ¼ of 20, ¼ of 24.
Find 1/3 of 15, 1/3 of 21, 1/3 of 27 and 1/3 of 30.
Maths - Number
Think of a number between 0 – 30. What can you do with this number? Can you count objects to this number? Can you say one more than this number, one less? What is 10 more than this number and 10 less? Does it appear in any of the time tables on your times tables rockstars? Can you think of an addition or subtraction calculation that this number is the answer to? Can you draw the number?
Speech and Language activity
Write out and read each of the words below. Then can you say and write the opposite word for it. The first one has been done for you.
Light – Dark
Heavy - |
Small - |
Fast - |
Straight - |
Sad - |
Soft - |
Closed - |
Up - |
Full - |
Go - |