Please remember to use the websites that are listed on the Ash Class children's page and continue with your daily reading and times tables practise using Times Tables Rockstars.
Writing and spellings
Here are some pictures for you to work out and write down the names. At the end pick a picture or two a write a sentence about the item in the picture. You can use the Shared Writing checklist with an adult to help you.
Read the sentences in these attachments and work out the missing word.
How many different ways can you make the following amounts?
10p, 20p, 30p, 40p and 50p? You can use the sheets below or ask your parent/carer if you can do this practically.
What 2D/3D shapes can you see in these pictures?
Would you like to try something different? Look around your home or in your garden. What 2D and 3D shapes can you see? The more the better.
Or take a picture of your garden and print it off. Then label all the different shapes that you can see. We'd love to see them!