Manea Community Primary School Curriculum
Mr Lenton is our curriculum leader and is responsible for Geography, History, Art, DT, RE, PSHE and French (and is currently overseeing computing).
Mrs Southby is our Literacy Lead.
Miss Gascoigne and Mrs Westwood are our Maths Leads.
Miss Bridges is our Science Lead.
Mrs Robinson and Mr Bishop are our PE Leads.
Mrs Bevan is our Music Lead.
If you would like to contact any of the leaders for these areas of the curriculum please contact the school office
We are proud to be .....
At Manea School, we believe that all children should have access to a curriculum which will challenge, motivate, stimulate and enhance their learning as well as being an enjoyable experience. We value and respect that children learn in different ways and we differentiate our planning to meet these needs.
We promote the "forest schools’ initiatives" within our school. These means we make the most of our local environment and woodlands to enhance our curriculum. Click on the link to our forest school page to find more information about this.
Within our school we are working hard to develop cross-curricular links. This mean we try to make links between subjects to enhance the children's learning opportunities. As part of this, the children will experience at least one inspiration day each term.