Duration: 15 minutes
Learning Objective: To practise high-frequency words.
Please have a look at your spellings and then complete this activity with them.
Duration: One hour
Learning Objective: To show how characters feel through their behaviour and actions.
On Wednesday you created your own world. Today, I would like you to imagine someone has found this world for the first time. Brainstorm how they might be feeling. Think of as many words as possible and write them down or draw faces to show their emotions.
Now watch the video below. At no point are you told how the character is feeling. But you can see how he is feeling through his behaviour and actions. Pause the video as you watch and explain to someone how Geri feels. Then explain what Geri does to make you think this. For instance, Geri might be feeling excited. You know this because he starts to jump up and down.
Now, I would like you to write a sentence for each of the following emotions. You won't use the word. Instead, you will explain what a character might do if they were feeling this. I have done one for you. Have a go at your own.
Happy = She jumped up and down.
Duration: 20 minutes
Learning Objective: To read for pleasure
Read a text of your choice. Draw a picture of what happened in the story and write a sentence to go with it.
Duration: One hour
Please complete the times table activity below.
Learning Objective: To know the difference between heavy and light. To find objects in your house that are heavy and light.
Please watch the two videos below.
Create two columns. One column should be called 'Heavy' and one column should be called 'Light'. Go round your house and try to find at least ten objects for each column.
Finally, try to put the correct letters in the boxes on the attached sheet.
Duration - One hour
Learning Objective: To identify some of the risks at places we visit. To know there are people we can go to for help.
Brainstorm all the places you might go in a single week (before lockdown). Consider also the places your friends might go even if you don't, for example, church.
Below are six places you might have listed.
When you go out, you will be with someone you trust who can look after you. But sometimes, you might find yourself in a situation you are not comfortable with - think of last week's lesson when you found yourself in a situation with your friends. The most important thing to do in situations you are not happy with is to 'Stop, Decide, Do'.
Look at the six pictures above and identify three risks or three things that could go wrong in each place. For example, in a supermarket you might be separated from your parent, a parent or you might trip over something and hurt yourself or perhaps you might drop something and break it before you have paid.
You can write these risks down, or discuss them if you are working with someone else.
Now, please pick one risk for each picture and then complete the 'Stop, Decide', Do' method to help you solve the problem. Again, you can talk about this.
It is never a good idea to talk to people you don't know. But sometimes you might have to seek help from an unknown adult. For each picture, please identify one or two people who you could go to for help.
Medium - Draw a picture of one of the places you listed that is not one of those I have attached. Label the picture with some ideas of what might go wrong. Identify someone you could go to for help.
Duration: 20 minutes
If you could have three wishes, what would they be and why?
Quickly decide on your three wishes.
Now answer these questions:
Have you wished for yourself, or have you wished for others?
If your wishes were granted, how would they make your life better?
If your wishes were granted, would they make life worse for anyone else? For example, if you wished to win the Lottery, you might win but someone else then wouldn't. They would miss out on their money because of you.
Would your wishes make others jealous if they were granted?
Have you heard of the saying, 'Be careful what you wish for'? What do you think this means?
Talk to someone else about their choices. Have you changed your mind now you have heard their choices?