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Friday 5th

Today's Zoom session - Please have a pen and paper with you and your explanation text from Monday. Please also bring your best noun and adjectives sentence from today's literacy lesson. I look forward to seeing you at 10:00 a.m. 

Friday 5th


Duration: 15 minutes


Using your new spelling list, complete the activity below. 



Duration: 10 minutes


Please see the main class page as Mr Tull has prepared this week's assembly. 


Duration: One hour


Learning Objective: To write a sentence with one noun and two adjectives - an extended noun phrase. 


An adjective is a describing word. Look at the picture below and write down as many adjectives as you can to describe the balls. 



You might have picked adjectives such as large, small, round, pink, purple, multi-coloured, shiny, dull, bouncy, etc. An expanded noun phrase simply means writing a sentence using two adjectives to describe the noun. Look at the examples below. 


The red, bouncy ball was in the garden. 

The small, pink ball was round. 

The shiny, blue ball is large. 


Remember you need a comma between each adjective. 

What Are Expanded Noun Phrases?

Now have a look at the picture below and try to write your own five expanded noun phrases. 



Duration: 20 minutes


Starter: Discuss with an adult, why is it important that we don't tell fibs?


Main: Today,  we are going to look at answering questions about the text we have just read. Make sure you look back at the text to find your answers. 




Duration: One hour




Learning Objective: To know that adding and subtracting are the inverse of each other. 

Relationship between Addition & Subtraction

Have a go at solving the following sums using the inverse operations. 



Duration: One hour


You've taken medicine before. But what do you know about medicines? Brainstorm all the different medicines you can think of and then read the information below or ask someone to read it to you. 


One medicine might be a pink liquid, another medicine might come in a special mist, another might be a blue pill, and still another might come out of a yellow tube. But they're all used for the same reason — to make you feel better when you're sick.


Most medicines today are made in science labs and many are based on things found in nature. After a medicine is made, it is tested over and over in many different ways. This lets scientists make sure it's safe for people to take and that it can fight or prevent an illness.


Most of the time when kids get sick, the illness comes from germs that get into the body. The body's immune system works to fight off these germs. But the germs and the body's natural way of germ fighting, like getting a fever, can make a person feel ill. In many cases, the right kind of medicine can help kill the germs and help the person feel better.


When deciding which medicine to give a patient, a doctor thinks about what is causing the patient's problem. Someone may need to take more than one type of medicine at the same time — one to fight the germs and another to stop the pain. 


When it comes to fighting illnesses, there are many types of medicines. Antibiotics are one type of medicine that a lot of kids have taken. Antibiotics kill germs called bacteria, and different antibiotics can fight different kinds of bacteria. 


But while the antibiotic is starting to fight the bacteria, you might still feel achy and hot, so the doctor might tell your parent to also give you a pain reliever. Pain relievers can't make you well, but they do help you feel better while you're getting well.


Cream that helps a bug bite stop itching is another example. Your cold had to go away on its own, just like the bug bite needed to heal on its own, but in the meantime, these medicines helped you feel less sick or itchy.


Many people also take medicines to control illnesses that don't completely go away, such as diabetes, asthma, or high blood pressure. With help from these medicines, people can enjoy life and avoid some of the worst symptoms of their illnesses.


Finally, there are important medicines that keep people from getting sick in the first place. Some of these are called vaccines and they are usually given as an injection. They prevent people from catching serious illnesses like measles and mumps and, more recently, Coronavirus. There is even a vaccine that prevents chickenpox, and many people get a flu shot each Autumn to avoid the flu. Although injections are never fun, they are a very important part of staying healthy.


Watch the video below to help you learn more about using medicines safely. 

For Kids 5-8 Years Old: Using and Keeping Medicine Safe



1. Imagine you have been to the doctor and they have given you some medicine. Discuss the dos and don'ts of taking this medicine. For example:



  • Take your medicine as it will make you feel better.



  • Share this medicine with anyone, even if they have the same symptoms as you. 


2. Write a list of all the people who might handle medicines, for example, a doctor. 

Next, using the sheet below, consider all the precautions they have to take when handling medicines. A precaution is a measure someone has to take to stop something dangerous from happening. For example a nurse must make sure she is giving the medicine to the right patient. 


Finally watch the video below of Michael Rosen's poem, 'These are the Hands'. How many healthcare roles can you identify when you listen to this poem? 

These are the Hands | For the NHS | By Michael Rosen


Duration: 20 minutes


If you could trade (swap) places with anyone for a day, who would it be and why? 


Consider the question above and answer it. Now, read and answer the following questions: 


Why did you choose the person you picked? 

What will you learn from them in that day? 

Are there other people you could learn more from? 

What jobs are considered very 'exciting' e.g. astronaut.

Who wouldn't you want to trade places with? Why? 

Might it be fun to pick someone in a different country, so you could experience this at the same time? 

Now return to the original question - have you changed your mind at all? 
