Key Stage Two Enquiries.
In Key stage two, we use the national curriculum to map our key enquiries for the year. These work on a two year rolling cycle, so that lower key stage 2 cover the same topics and upper key stage two cover the same topics.
These enquiry themes cover all aspects of the curriculum including subjects such as History, Geography, Science, Dt, Art, PSHE, RE. In addition to planning around the National Curriculum, children also develop their own enquiry questions which they would like to investigate throughout the topic. Teachers plan lessons according to the children's questions and interests.
As we are a forest school we use our outdoor environments where we can to apply our learning and enjoy visits to the woods.
Lower Key Stage 2 topics For Cycle A are:
Autumn: Rock and Roll Spring: Set Sail Summer: Roald Dahl
Upper Key Stage 2 topics For Cycle A are:
Autumn: World War 2 Spring: Beyond these Shores Summer: Taking the Throne
Please find our long term plans for each KS2 phase in the documents below. These will show you which national curriculum units we aim to teach throughout the year:
For more information about your child’s curriculum, please speak to your Class Teacher.