Duration: 15 minutes
Please see the main class page.
Duration: 15 minutes
Please fill in the gaps using your spelling words.
Duration: One hour
LO: To write an explanation text on a topic of your choice.
For the past few weeks, you have been studying the topic of 'explanation texts' and you have been writing your own. Today, you will choose your own topic to write about. This can be any topic of your choice so pick something you are interested in, for example, computer games or a hobby. Look back on your report on Manea to help you.
I have included a checklist of what you might like to include. I will be asking you about these on the Friday zoom session.
Remember to include:
Capital letters
Full stops
A heading
An introduction - one or two sentences will be enough
Two or three subheadings
One or two sentences after each subheading.
A drawing or diagram
Duration: 20 minutes
Duration: One hour
Starter: Please complete these multiplication grids using your 2x, 3x and 4x table. You can write them out to start with if this will help. For example, if you write out the following and then do the same for the 3x and 4x table, you will then be able to refer to them when completing your table.
1 x 2 =
2 x 2 =
3 x 2 =
4 x 2 =
Learning Objective: To be able to find ten more or ten less of a number.
Please watch the attached video to show you how to do this.
Duration: One hour
Please see the main class page as Mr Lenton has prepared today's lesson for us.
Duration: 10 minutes
Duration: 15 minutes