Duration: 20 minutes
Please write these sentences out and fill in the missing words.
Duration: One hour
Learning Objective: To write an explanation text.
At the start of every new unit of work, we always ask you to complete a 'cold task'. This is where you try to fulfil the learning objective with no input from us. By doing this, it gives us an insight into what you already know. It also gives you something to build on as we go through the unit. At the end of the unit, you are able to look at your initial piece of work and know how to improve it.
An explanation text is where you describe how or why something happens.
Today, we would like you to write five facts on a topic of your choice. For example, if you chose 'Roblox' you could write five facts about this and then draw a picture. This will be a good start to learning about Explanation texts.
Please do your best with this and then keep it to refer back to over the next two weeks.
Duration: 20 minutes
Duration: One hour
Duration: One hour
Please refer to the main class page as Mr Lenton has prepared an activity for us.
Duration: 10 minutes
Duration: 10 minutes