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Coronavirus Update 22.10.20

Dear Parents/Carers,


According to government guidelines should a child test positive, we have a duty to inform the Local Authority and Public Health England to find the actions we have to take immediately. 


It is therefore vital that during the half term break, should your child experience any Coronavirus symptoms, they are tested as soon as possible and where the result is positive that you inform the school by email on immediately.  Please do not phone the school office as no staff will be working in the school office next week. 


As a reminder of what you can do if your child, a household member or a member of your support bubble develops any of the following symptoms, we would ask that you notify the school immediately and arrange a test by visiting or by phoning 119:

·         A high temperature

·         A new and persistent cough

·         A loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)


Thank you all again for your continued support and have a good half term.


Kind regards


Miss Froggatt

Head Teacher
