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Thursday 14th

         Good morning 

Don't forget today you need to complete some Phonics work, Literacy, Maths and topic. You should also find time to fit in some sensory circuits exercises. 


The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

With permission from Harper Collins part 3


Let's look at the OA sound again

Geraldine the Giraffe learns /oa/

Watch UK school teacher Mr Thorne and Youtube sensation Geraldine the Giraffe take you on a learning journey through the world of phonics, grammar, spelling ...

Read this text and see if you can spot any 'oa' words. 



Can you write descriptive sentences about Mr Tumnus? Remember your full stop and capital letters. 



Keep practising telling the time including quarter to and quarter past. 

Emotional Literacy 

Think about the 'angry' emotion. Can you think of 5 times you have felt angry or somebody you know has. What do you do when you are angry?

