Please write out these sentences and fill in the missing words.
Watch the video below, which will introduce you to this week's phonics sound- ur.
Read the words below. Can you identify which ones are real and which ones are made up words?
Guided reading
Read the following sentences and update the picture as necessary.
Look at this explanation text. Can you put it in order? You can do this verbally- you don't need to write anything down. Look out for key words such as firstly.
Warm-up by counting backwards and forwards to 30. You could complete different activities such as doing star jumps, press-ups and throwing a ball, and count how many you can do it one minute.
Or you could have a go at the board game I've uploaded below.
Main: Today we are going to practise finding one more and one less to 50. If you have a dice- roll it twice to make a 2 digit number e.g. 35- can you write down the number one less and one more?
You could have a go at this game: