Remind yourself of you the 'air' sound by watching the video below. Then look at the pictures and write the words using what you have learnt.
Warm-up: Have a look at this picture from an area in Manea. Write a sentence about it which contains two adjectives (describing words).
E.g. The pump is _________ and _____________.
Main: To Write a paragraph
As you are aware, we will be writing an explanation text about why Manea is a great place to live.
Yesterday, we thought about the sub-headings we will use in our text. Today, I would like you to research more information about them.
Start, by asking as many people as you can why they live in Manea. What makes it a great place to live?
Task: Today we are going to write a paragraph about Manea. Pick one of your sub-headings from yesterday e.g. shops and write down some sentences about it.
Guided Reading:
LO: To explore vocabulary and characters from a text.
Have a go at retelling the story using these pictures:
Main: Have a go at completing the following sheet about the text we have been reading.
Lo: To know my numbers to 30.
Practise matching these number words to their corresponding number.
Lo: To know the place value of numbers.
Today we are thinking about using base ten to show the place value of numbers above 10. Watch the video below and then have a go at seeing if you can write the numbers that the pictures are showing.