Hello Fir Class
We hope you are well. Thank you for sending in more images this week. It seems you have become even more creative as the weeks have gone by. There are lots of pictures below of things you have made and ideas you have had. It is so lovely to log in and read your emails and see the pictures of work.
Here we are at the final full week. This isn't how we wanted to end the year and we both feel we have missed out on getting to know you better. At least we will still be able to see you next year and find out how you are getting on.
Try to get all your work done this week and remember you have the pack of work we sent. If you have any questions, please do contact us.
Wishing you all the very best.
Kind regards
Mrs Causer and Miss Miller
You have now had quite a bit of time off school and we are sure you will be nervous about coming back. But imagine if you could return to any school of your choice...
Challenge 1
Have a look at the picture below. Imagine if you could attend one of these schools. Which one would you pick? Or perhaps you would create your own school that included the things you like to do. Perhaps you would return to a wizard school, an animal school or a chocolate school.
Have a think about it. Pick a school you would like to return to. It can be anything you like.
Now you have chosen your school, have a think about some of the characters or people who might attend.
How might they answer the following questions...
Challenge 2
Your next task is to create the characters or people for your school.
Have a look at the information below. Read the example of one of the characters at the Monster School.
Use the template to help you create your own characters. Perhaps pick two or three characters for your school.
Challenge 3
You now need to think about your school day.
What lessons will you include?
What subjects will be taught?
Have a look at the example timetable below and then create your own using the blank template.
Optional - Create a page of work that someone in your school might produce in one of your lessons.
Challenge 4
Let's find out a little more about your school.
Create a poster on your school. Use the questions below to help you.
Find a piece of paper and write your school's name in the centre. Then, answer the questions in note form around the outside. Add any pictures you want to.
Challenge 5
Create a comic strip of a day in the life of a pupil at your school. Think about the kind of adventures they might get up to. Use the blank template to help you plan out your comic strip. Of course, it can be longer if you want.
We have finished our science topics now so, for a bit of fun, please watch the video below. This shows five different science experiments. As you watch, try to predict what you think will happen. Then, after you've watched the experiment, try to explain what's happened and why.
This week you are going to be looking at some different investigations. You can choose from the ideas above, or explore the nrich site yourself and choose something. Alternatively, make a start on the Maths activities in your home learning packs.
L.O. To know that sometimes positive changes can come from things we didn’t welcome initially.
As you know, soon you will be in Year Six and although this may seem a huge change in your lives, you have faced similar changes already. Look at `My Life Journey’ on the Powerpoint slides attached.
Consider the changes that have happened in your life so far; some may have seemed huge, others you may not even remember how you felt (eg first day at nursery).
Activity: Complete the `My Life Journey’ worksheet, considering how you might have felt at each change –and one positive that may have come from it. (You don't need to print the sheet off; this can easily be completed on some plain A4 paper.) Even when some changes don't feel positive in any way, think about how it might have helped you develop as a person? Are you kinder or more empathetic towards others as a result?
Guided Reading
L.O. To be inspired to read new books.
This week, you have been set some activities which hopefully will inspire you to read some different books.
Activity 1: Look at the Top 100 book list https://www.worldbookday.com/ideas/100-stories-to-share/
In particular, go through the 25 books aged 5-9. Have you read any before? Would you recommend any and why? Search for some books on the list that seem interesting to you.
Activity 2: Complete the share a story worksheet.
Activity 3: Make a bookmark. Include somewhere on the bookmark the title and author of a book that you would be interested in reading. Maybe sometime over the summer holidays you can find the book. Libraries will be open again soon, if they are not already, as are bookshops.
Activity 4: Listen to an audiobook https://www.worldbookday.com/world-of-stories/ Alternatively, listen to one of Mrs Johnson’s superb readings on the class pages.
Please use the Year 2 spelling word list again and practise words which you currently struggle to spell. Choose 10 to practise this week and then test yourself at the end of the week.