Week beginning: Thursday 26th March 2020
Good afternoon everyone
We hope you are keeping well. Next week is the final week before Easter. We will set enough work for tomorrow (Friday), Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. As Thursday 2nd April would normally be your Easter holiday, we won't set any tasks for that day.
We hope you have been keeping up with your work. Try not to fall behind as when we return we will pick up where we would naturally be and we will assume you have been completing the work set. Please do feel free to send us any work or pictures of things you have done. We will reply to all emails sent to the class email. We can only monitor Starz and not reply, so if you have any questions then please do message us on the email address.
Anyway, back to work. These are the things we would like you to complete this week. You will have four days.
Maths - Please complete the blank times table grid that we have attached. You should do this independently. Please ask someone to mark it when you have done. It does not need to be completed under timed conditions. Then we would like you to complete a times table test every day. These are attached. Do this without the grid and then use the grid to mark your work. Take your time and do it carefully. There is no rush.
English - Complete homophones 1 sheet. Please see above some lessons on persuasive writing. You may want to leave some of the activities provided, but I feel these are fairly accessible with support.
Guided Reading - Choose a book that you know well. Complete one of the following activities related to your book.
- Write a list of three questions that you would like to ask the writer or a character from the story.
- Make a WANTED poster for the villain in your story. Include a physical description and a reward for information.
- Which character from the book do you think you are most like? Explain your answer.
Science - Find pictures of the following animals and research three facts about each: Jaguar, sloth, toucan, orang-utan, anteater, tarantula.
Mrs Wordsmith - Write two sentences for each word: Peer, sleepless, remote.
R.E - Buddhists teach that we should act wisely and compassionately. Look up these words and discuss their meaning with an adult. Draw two pictures that show how you have acted with wisdom and then with compassion.
P.E - Try one of Joe Wicks' free online PE workouts! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Geography - Find a picture of the Amazon rainforest and place it in the centre of a page. Write facts about the Amazon rainforest around the picture. Think about where it is, how big it is, the temperature and weather and any animals that live there. This links to your science work, so it might be a good idea to do science before geography.
History- We are now at the end of our Maya topic. I would like you to show some of your knowledge of the topic, by creating a piece of work of your choice that is related to the Maya. This can be a PowerPoint presentation, a recipe, a sculpture, a fact file. It is completely up to you, providing you can explain something that you have taken away from the topic within your piece of work.
Any questions then do get in touch. We will send a quick message next week, but we won't set any work.
Our thoughts are with you.
Mrs Causer and Miss Miller
Week beginning: Thursday 19th March 2020
Good morning everyone
We hope you are all well and looking forward to working independently for a while. We will both be here to guide you through the work you need to do and we hope you will keep in contact with us and let us know how you are getting on. We will, of course, be able to answer any questions you have or address any concerns. Every Thursday we will upload the work and instructions to this page. This is what we expect you to complete in the week. It will be up to you to organise your time and I’m sure your parents will support you in this. It will also be a good idea to organise a folder for your work. Please make sure you keep all your work together. When we return to school, we will take your folders in to look at what you have accomplished. The really important thing to remember is that all of your folders will be different. There will be no directive (like in class) on layout and style. It will be up to you. You organise your work how you want and many of the tasks will be up to you to present how you want.
As already stated, every Thursday, we will upload work. It might be a good idea to check this page every Thursday night. That way, you can plan what you will do Friday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, ready for more work to be given the following Thursday night. As both of us have to upload work, you might find that if you check the website too early, only one of us has managed to do this. If subjects are missing, please check the site again later. Do not worry though – we will never forget to set it!
By next Thursday, we would like you to accomplish the following:
English - Complete the first Grammar Hammer check that is in your home learning pack. Check your answers on the answer sheet and revise one of the areas that you struggled with most.
Maths – Complete the number sequences worksheet. Create ten of your own sequences and ask a family member to fill in the gaps. Mark their work. How many did they get right?
Complete the first two mental maths sheets. You can read the questions to yourself. Take as much time as you need. Ask someone to mark it. How many did you get right? Let us know. We can adjust the level as needed.
Follow the link to play a co-ordinates game. Practise with the first quadrant only.
Science – Pick your favourite animal. Create a fact-sheet on this animal. Include things like what it eats, its habitat, how it cares for its young, etc. You can present this how you want.
Mrs Wordsmith – Write three sentences using the word ‘voracious’.
Geography – Find a picture of Machu Picchu. Stick this in the middle of the page. Write some facts about Machu Picchu around the picture.
RE – Make a list of all the different crimes you can think of. Pick one crime and write down who might be affected by this other than the victim. What are the Ten Commandments? How do they relate to this?
History/ Art – Google 'Mayan Masks'. Look at the images and create your own version of a Mayan Mask. This can be an actual mask or a sketch of one.
PE – Search 'GoNoodle' for some free online ideas for exercises that you can do indoors.
Any questions at all then please do message us on the class email. We will be checking it every day.
Stay safe. Stay well. We miss you.
Mrs Causer and Miss Miller