Good morning everyone
We hope you have been getting on well with your work. But, more importantly, we hope that you are safe and well. It is now the Easter holidays and time for you to rest and enjoy your break as much as you can. This will be the final set of work that we give you online until Thursday 16th April. You also have the packs of work and a list of websites if you do want to continue working at home. It has been lovely to hear how some of you are getting on. It sounds like you are enjoying being out in the garden when it is sunny, baking cakes and cooking, playing games and spending quality time with your families. Remember, all of you will be presenting and laying out your work differently. But it is important that you keep up with the work set as much as possible and it is good for you to see what others are doing.
Wishing you all a lovely Easter holiday.
Stay safe. Stay well.
We miss you!
Mrs Causer and Miss Miller
We have been informed that during the school closure the Accelerated Reader tests have been made accessible. You may have a look at this over Easter if you want.
In addition to this, there is another website which contains thousands of online books for Year 1 upwards: It is usually something that schools have to buy into, but again they have made it accessible during the school closure. Some of the books on the website also have AR tests linked to them. Unfortunately some of the books are from their American site. Therefore, although they give a quiz number, it doesn't actually match up to a test on the UK site. You can check which books have quizzes on the this website if they want to:
We hope that all makes sense but, if it doesn't, please do contact us on the email address.
Please work through the SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) mats that are attached above. If there is an obvious weakness please choose to make that your focus.
Mrs Wordsmith
Please see below the complete list of Mrs Wordsmith words for the Spring term. Please choose three of the words that you know best and write a sentence for each one. Select one that you don't know very well and relearn it.
Peer; hearty; overpowering; sleepless; idealistic; pungent; unruly; lashing; fragrance; remote; light-hearted; stench; soothing; swirling; whiff; dilapidated; promising; gorge; wary; gleaming; savour; mouthwatering; tenacious; lavish; bulky; flabbergasted; voracious; ravenous; apprehensive; crave; lanky; tangy and sweltering.
Lesson One
This week you are going to combine your oracy with some writing.
Recall the various techniques that are used in persuasive writing. See below some examples.
ALLITERATION: This cake is dangerously decadent and delicious
FACTS: The cake was made by an award winning chef.
OPINIONS: Many customers who have tried this cake declare it to be the best cake they have ever eaten.
REPETITION/RHETORICAL QUESTION: Surely nothing can soothe one's soul quite like a delicious piece of chocolate cake?
EMOTIVE LANGUAGE: This moist, luxurious sponge cake is the stuff of dreams, a friend in need, the cure for all ills (almost).
STATISTICS: Profits have soared for this confectionary delight, with the creator Annie Hawes making a cool £1,000,000 in the first year alone.
TRIPLES: This cake is bigger, bolder and better than any other cake on the market.
Today, you need to choose a favourite food. Create a poster, using at least three of the techniques used above.
Lesson Two
Today you are going to be choosing a subject to make a persuasive argument about. Choose one from the list below, or come up with one of your own. Once you have chosen your topic to debate, you will need to spend this lesson building up a list of arguments to support your chosen side/opinion. Having facts and statistics to support your view will make your argument far more persuasive. You can research on the internet, or using books; alternatively, you can ask the people in your house to share their knowledge and views on the subject with you.
I should be able to go to bed when I want.
All classrooms should have a class pet.
There needs to a be a non-school uniform day every week.
You can only eat apples or oranges for the next week. Which one will you eat? Why?
I should be allowed to stay home alone.
There should be no homework at school.
Break times at school should be longer.
People should be fined for dropping litter.
I should be allowed to eat ice cream every day.
All students should learn how to cook.
Persuade your family to let you open a birthday present the day before your birthday.
Persuade your family to give you twice as much pocket money.
If you could have any pet, what would it be? Convince your family why you should care for it.
Convince your friend to swap their packed lunch with yours.
Students should be allowed to pick their own seats in class.
Persuade your family to watch the film you want to watch.
Dogs are better than cats.
School holidays should be longer.
Imagine in the future, you can live on land or underwater. Which one would you choose? Why?
You have to live in another country. Which one do you choose? Why?
Convince your family to let you watch your favourite TV programme.
Students should be allowed to choose their teacher.
Students should have 3-day weekends.
You can only play one sport for the next month. What is it? Why?
Students who are late to school should do a chore for their class.
You can choose one superhero power to help others: fly or stop time. Which one do you choose? Why?
Lessons Three and Four
Hopefully by now you will have gathered some notes and research for your chosen persuasive argument. Now, you will need to think about how you construct your argument in writing and create your own persuasive sentences. Think back to the writing techniques from lesson one and try to include each technique at least per sentence. Below is a modelled example of a completed paragraph. You are not expected to complete a whole paragraph, but work on having a selection of good quality, persuasive sentences to do with your chosen topic.
Question: You can only eat apples or oranges for the next week. Which one do you choose? Why?
I feel most strongly that it would be better to eat only apples for a whole week than oranges. Crisp, sweet and filling, an apple is the greatest 'all rounder' of the fruit family. Whilst I don't dispute that there are several health benefits to oranges, making them your sole source of food for an entire week would be sheer folly. I fear it would result in painful stomach cramps and tooth decay at the very least, due to their high acidic content. Furthermore, apples are wholesome and filling in a way that oranges simply are not. All members of my household agree that they would choose an apple over an orange for the purposes of curbing their appetites. If you have to depend on one fruit to keep you going all week long, you would surely choose the one that can fill you up? 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' is a well-coined phrase, and rightly so. Apples (which contain an impressive 4g of fibre in one serving) have been linked to lowering cholesterol, reducing risk of heart disease and even fighting off the common cold. When you also take into account the additional time and effort that oranges take to peel, I think there can be no doubt that apples are, in all respects, the superior fruit.
Some persuasive sentence starters include:
Lesson Five
Today, I would like you to proof-read your finished sentences, checking for basic errors and improving language choices where needed. When you are happy with your work, read it aloud to somebody at home. Ask them to ask you questions which could challenge your opinion and give them thoughtful answers.
See below some examples of informal debate phrases:
- I see your point, but I think...
- I understand, however my opinion is that...
- That's very interesting, but my point is that...
- I'm afraid I can't quite agree with your point...
- I understand your point, now let me respond to it.
This week, I would like you to devise your own dance routine to a song of your choice. Perform your dance to somebody at home!
Guided Reading
Please find attached some Guided Reading comprehension sheets. There are three levels of challenge, so choose the one appropriate for you and answer the question sheet to go with your text.
Holiday Homework Menu
Please find attached a menu of activities that you can have a go at over the holidays. You do not need to do all of them, but a couple would be great.