Hello Beech Class,
Another superb week of home learning!
Some super work on your tricky words last week! Well done. This week I would like you to think about your favourite toy. I would like you to talk with your grown-ups about this toy. Can you describe it? Is it soft or hard? Is it big or small? Is it old or new? Can you tell them about the colour of the toy? Can you tell them what makes this toy so special to you?
Does your grown up have a favourite toy? Could you ask them some questions to learn about their toy?
Once you have talked about your toy I would like you to have a go writing about your toy. You could draw a picture and label it or you could write some sentences about your toy.
Your reading challenge this week is inspired by Mrs Johnson. As you may have seen she has been recording herself reading some great stories. After all of that reading she is probably getting a bit tired! I’d like you to practice reading or retelling one of your favourite short stories. You could do this in a team with someone in your family. You can share this with your family or you could even record your own video, just like Mrs Johnson.
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We are going to be thinking about old toys. We are going to be thinking about what childhood was like for people who are older than you. As we learnt from the video about VE Day last week, history can be split up into things that have happened within living memory- so people who are alive now can remember these things- or things beyond living memory- there are not people who are still alive who can remember these things.
I’ve added a presentation that you and your parents might like to look at to give you some ideas of things that you could discuss. You can view it on a laptop, tablet or phone.
Your job this week is to find out about people in your family’s favourite toys when they were young. You could ask your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or someone else in your family about the toys that they liked to play with. Once you have found out about some of the toys that people in your family enjoyed as children, I would like you to think about how the toys have changed. You can record your findings in any way that you like.
Outdoors this week, I’d like you to use your creativity to make your own toy or game using the things that you find outside. Which toys have inspired you?
Keep cooking with Mrs Kyne- we would love to see some photographs of you making her recipes! Do you have any favourites?
Did you try Mr. Tull’s trick shot challenge? I was just glad that we have all been working on our PARTY skills- I definitely had to show some real resilience and perseverance to achieve the challenge! How about having a go at the next challenge- keeping up a rally.
You worked so hard on your measuring skills last week. Well done! This week we are going to be thinking about measuring lengths.
Measuring the length of something is a really important skill. Just ask one of our friends in Beech Class who needed to use lots of measuring skills to build a table! (Wow!)
I’d like you to start off by ordering some items in your home from the tallest to the shortest. Have a go at this game, it is great for practising using the vocabulary you will need.
There are lots of items that you can use to measure a length, you could use a ruler, a tape measure or if you don’t have either of those in your home you could experiment with non-standard measure which is where you use other items to measure things. For example, my couch is 6 cushions long, my laptop is 15 Starbursts across.
You could also have a go measuring things in your home or garden. You could measure toys, clothes, books, furniture or even people!
Keep up all of your hard work!
Take care,
Miss Pritchard