At Manea School we value the importance of children using a wide range of vocabulary across the curriculum in all year groups. This is an area that we develop from preschool to year 6 to ensure our children have access to a wide variety of language.
As well as teaching the subject focussed words, we use two main approaches to develop language.
In FS and KS1 we use the Vocabulary Project work. This approach is also shared with childminders and our local toddler group to develop the continuity. This approach uses a wide range of high quality texts in which children are encouraged to investigate words for interest or unknown. Each classroom in reception and KS1 has a vocabulary display that the children can then refer to in their activities and development throughout their continuous provision.
In Key Stage 2 we use the ‘Mrs Wordsmith’ approach which continues the focus on words throughout a 15 minute word focus session to introduce new words, apply and recap their meanings and how they can be used in our writing. We also read daily to the children from tier two books to continue to extend their word use and understanding.
Teachers are sharing this approach with parents and carers in mini training session run throughout the Spring Term so parents and carers can support their children with this language focus.