Looking at this picture- how many things can you see which has these sounds in it?
Have a go at writing these words.
LO: To write dialogue for a character
Start today's session by practising your spellings for this week.
Listen to the first chapter of the Lion the witch and the wardrobe on the video below. Then watch the video which shows Lucy entering Narnia. How would she be feeling? What can she see? Lucy meets a new character. What do you think she would say to him? Would she ask questions about this mysterious place?
Write a conversation between Lucy and Mr Tumnus (the fawn)
LO: To tell the time to the oclock and half past
Start today's session by practising your counting:
How many electrical items can you find in your house?
How many windows do you have?
How many clocks?
Practise telling the time to the oclock and half past.
Look on this page for your PE work: